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Lot #324 - Life-size Wooden Cowboy Silhouette & Small Wolf
adamavila28 05/31/23 9:41P $24.00 adamavila28 outbid the previous bid by young5al
young5al 05/31/23 9:41P $22.00 Proxy bid was placed for young5al in response to a bid by adamavila28
young5al 05/31/23 9:34P $21.99 young5al outbid the previous bid by Aleavepest
Aleavepest 05/31/23 9:34P $19.99 Proxy bid was placed for Aleavepest in response to a bid by young5al
Aleavepest 05/31/23 8:48P $17.00 Aleavepest outbid the previous bid by adamavila28
adamavila28 05/31/23 8:48P $15.00 Proxy bid was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by Aleavepest
adamavila28 05/31/23 11:35A $11.00 adamavila28 outbid the previous bid by Sunset
Sunset 05/31/23 8:13A $9.00 Sunset outbid the previous bid by adamavila28
adamavila28 05/31/23 8:13A $8.00 Proxy bid was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by Sunset
adamavila28 05/29/23 8:26P $7.00 adamavila28 outbid the previous bid by ocowett
ocowett 05/26/23 10:54A $5.00 ocowett placed the starting bid.
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