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Lot #89 - Sterling silver rings
Kracken 06/08/23 3:08P $135.00 Kracken outbid the previous bid by CORG
CORG 06/08/23 3:08P $130.00 Proxy bid was placed for CORG in response to a bid by Kracken
CORG 05/31/23 5:14P $125.00 CORG raised their max bid.
CORG 05/27/23 10:07P $125.00 CORG raised their max bid. Lowered the max bid.
CORG 05/27/23 9:29P $125.00 CORG raised their max bid.
CORG 05/27/23 9:29P $125.00 CORG outbid the previous bid by Lafuentev
Lafuentev 05/27/23 9:29P $115.00 Proxy bid was placed for Lafuentev in response to a bid by CORG
Lafuentev 05/27/23 9:29P $87.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Lafuentev in response to a bid by CORG
CORG 05/27/23 9:29P $85.00 CORG bid was accepted, but was outbid by Lafuentev using proxy bid.
Lafuentev 05/27/23 6:44P $77.00 Lafuentev outbid the previous bid by CORG
CORG 05/27/23 6:44P $75.00 Proxy bid was placed for CORG in response to a bid by Lafuentev
CORG 05/27/23 6:44P $71.00 Proxy bid was was placed for CORG in response to a bid by Lafuentev
Lafuentev 05/27/23 6:44P $69.00 Lafuentev bid was accepted, but was outbid by CORG using proxy bid.
CORG 05/27/23 6:44P $57.00 Proxy bid was was placed for CORG in response to a bid by Lafuentev
Lafuentev 05/27/23 6:44P $55.00 Lafuentev bid was accepted, but was outbid by CORG using proxy bid.
CORG 05/27/23 6:44P $37.00 Proxy bid was was placed for CORG in response to a bid by Lafuentev
Lafuentev 05/27/23 6:44P $35.00 Lafuentev bid was accepted, but was outbid by CORG using proxy bid.
CORG 05/27/23 6:44P $12.00 Proxy bid was was placed for CORG in response to a bid by Lafuentev
Lafuentev 05/27/23 6:44P $10.00 Lafuentev bid was accepted, but was outbid by CORG using proxy bid.
CORG 05/26/23 4:38P $5.00 CORG raised their max bid.
CORG 05/26/23 4:38P $5.00 CORG placed the starting bid.
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