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Bid History for: Lot #46 - Tub full of DVDs, TV series like Magnum PI, Cheers, Greys Anatomy, Married w/Children, Golden Girls, Matlock more!
User Time Amount Info
Panchito7 06/02/23 7:22PM $77.98 Proxy bid was was placed for Panchito7 in response to a bid by Dieterbean
Dieterbean 06/02/23 7:22PM $75.98 Dieterbean bid was accepted, but was outbid by Panchito7 using proxy bid.
Panchito7 06/02/23 7:22PM $22.02 Panchito7 outbid the previous bid by CPullen
CPullen 06/02/23 7:22PM $20.02 Proxy bid was placed for CPullen in response to a bid by Panchito7
CPullen 06/02/23 7:21PM $14.00 CPullen outbid the previous bid by rbanning
rbanning 06/02/23 7:21PM $12.00 Proxy bid was placed for rbanning in response to a bid by CPullen
rbanning 06/02/23 4:11PM $7.00 rbanning raised their max bid.
rbanning 05/24/23 4:34PM $7.00 rbanning outbid the previous bid by Panchito7
Panchito7 05/23/23 9:21PM $5.00 Panchito7 placed the starting bid.
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