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Lot #195 - Hand carved tall, wooden giraffe
Tawnward 05/23/23 7:47P $15.00 TanyaAllred outbid the previous bid by MarioBro
MarioBro 05/23/23 7:47P $13.00 Proxy bid was was placed for MarioBro in response to a bid by TanyaAllred
Tawnward 05/23/23 7:47P $13.00 TanyaAllred bid was accepted, but was outbid by MarioBro using proxy bid.
MarioBro 05/23/23 7:46P $11.00 Proxy bid was was placed for MarioBro in response to a bid by TanyaAllred
Tawnward 05/23/23 7:46P $9.00 TanyaAllred bid was accepted, but was outbid by MarioBro using proxy bid.
MarioBro 05/21/23 7:28P $7.00 MarioBro outbid the previous bid by Jaudean
Jaudean 05/20/23 5:27P $5.00 Jaudean placed the starting bid.
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