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Lot # 4 - Coors Light Silver Bullet Neon
adamavila28 05/31/23 7:01P $225.00 Proxy bid was was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 7:01P $220.00 JBlank0715 bid was accepted, but was outbid by adamavila28 using proxy bid.
adamavila28 05/31/23 7:01P $210.00 adamavila28 outbid the previous bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 7:01P $200.00 Proxy bid was placed for JBlank0715 in response to a bid by adamavila28
JBlank0715 05/31/23 7:01P $175.00 JBlank0715 outbid the previous bid by young5al
young5al 05/31/23 7:01P $165.00 Proxy bid was placed for young5al in response to a bid by JBlank0715
young5al 05/31/23 7:01P $150.00 Proxy bid was was placed for young5al in response to a bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 7:01P $140.00 JBlank0715 bid was accepted, but was outbid by young5al using proxy bid.
young5al 05/31/23 7:00P $130.00 young5al outbid the previous bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 7:00P $120.00 Proxy bid was was placed for JBlank0715 in response to a bid by jacknmikeb
jacknmikeb 05/31/23 7:00P $115.00 jacknmikeb bid was accepted, but was outbid by JBlank0715 using proxy bid.
JBlank0715 05/31/23 6:59P $102.00 JBlank0715 outbid the previous bid by adamavila28
adamavila28 05/31/23 6:59P $100.00 Proxy bid was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by JBlank0715
adamavila28 05/31/23 6:59P $97.00 Proxy bid was was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 6:59P $95.00 JBlank0715 bid was accepted, but was outbid by adamavila28 using proxy bid.
adamavila28 05/31/23 6:58P $92.00 Proxy bid was was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 6:58P $90.00 JBlank0715 bid was accepted, but was outbid by adamavila28 using proxy bid.
adamavila28 05/31/23 6:58P $78.00 Proxy bid was was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 6:58P $76.00 JBlank0715 bid was accepted, but was outbid by adamavila28 using proxy bid.
adamavila28 05/31/23 6:57P $73.00 adamavila28 outbid the previous bid by JBlank0715
JBlank0715 05/31/23 6:55P $71.00 JBlank0715 outbid the previous bid by adamavila28
adamavila28 05/31/23 6:55P $70.00 Proxy bid was placed for adamavila28 in response to a bid by JBlank0715
adamavila28 05/28/23 10:09P $69.00 adamavila28 outbid the previous bid by Mhowit1
Mhowit1 05/24/23 8:54P $67.00 Mhowit1 outbid the previous bid by young5al Lowered the max bid.
young5al 05/21/23 7:06A $65.00 Proxy bid was placed for young5al in response to a bid by Mhowit1
young5al 05/20/23 11:30A $55.00 young5al outbid the previous bid by Hillbilly3019
Hillbilly3019 05/20/23 8:51A $53.00 Hillbilly3019 outbid the previous bid by young5al
young5al 05/14/23 7:47A $51.00 Proxy bid was was placed for young5al in response to a bid by Hillbilly3019
Hillbilly3019 05/14/23 7:47A $50.00 Hillbilly3019 bid was accepted, but was outbid by young5al using proxy bid.
young5al 05/14/23 7:47A $17.00 Proxy bid was was placed for young5al in response to a bid by Hillbilly3019
Hillbilly3019 05/14/23 7:47A $15.00 Hillbilly3019 bid was accepted, but was outbid by young5al using proxy bid.
young5al 05/14/23 7:47A $9.00 Proxy bid was was placed for young5al in response to a bid by Hillbilly3019
Hillbilly3019 05/14/23 7:47A $7.00 Hillbilly3019 bid was accepted, but was outbid by young5al using proxy bid.
young5al 05/12/23 2:01P $5.00 young5al placed the starting bid.
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